6 research outputs found

    Priority Directions of the Regional Food Complex Effectiveness Increase

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    In the article, the modern trends of management integration as a solution of food and sectoral problems are considered. On the basis of national and foreign experience of development of integration, the classification of integration in economic systems is developed. Based on the given classification, the concept of integration is conducted. In the article, much attention is given to the food problem solution, which depends more on the agro-industrial complex based on metaintegration. The leading place of a food complex in the system of agro-industrial complex is caused by a role of food and food raw materials in life of the population of the country. The ratio of the sectors participating in the food production and consumer goods makes the sectoral structure of agro-industrial complex. In the conditions of the resource limitation necessary for the production and food delivery to the domestic market, the role of trade will increase not only in agro-industrial complex, but in all national economy. Also, in this article, the phenomenon of clusters is studied. The attention to clusters as to innovation systems reflects a rising tide of interest of economic science to the questions of economics functioning in regional level and understanding of a role of specific local resources in stimulation of innovative opportunities and competitiveness of small and medium business. Creating a cluster, participants develop the spatial and organizational integrated structure, in interaction of legal entities the status is saved and cooperation provides competitive advantages with other business entities. The role of the state in integration of cluster formations in the Russian Federation is more significant, than in any other country. The state represented by regional authorities actively participates in decision-making process by the business located in its catchment area not only through membership in governing bodies of large joint stock companies


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    The given article is focused on a topical subject of global trade networks and the current trends of their development on a regional retail market. The authors believe that deep integration of international networks in the regions significantly increases the competition among network operators in the trade sector and creates a certain challenge for Russian retailers, and require introduction of innovative management techniques, automation of operational processes, expansion of assortment, better service, lower prices, etc. Research and assessment of the parameters given in the article help verifying an effect of international networks on the development process of regional market participants

    Perfecting the services of retail trade at the consumer market (on the example of Sverdlovsk Region)

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    В статье рассматриваются особенности и тенденции развития розничной торговли Свердловской области. Проведена комплексная оценка результативности торговых услуг наиболее типичных предприятий розничной торговли области различных форматов. Определены приоритеты и стратегические направления дальнейшего развития розничной торговли.The peculiarities and trends of retail trade development in Sverdlovsk region are given attention to in the article. Complex evaluation of efficiency of trade services of the region's most typical enterprises of different formats is conducted by the authors. Priorities and strategic directions of further development of retail trade are defined

    Priority directions of the regional food complex effectiveness increase

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    In the article, the modern trends of management integration as a solution of food and sectoral problems are considered. On the basis of national and foreign experience of development of integration, the classification of integration in economic systems is developed. On the basis of the given classification, the concept of integration is conducted. In the article, much attention is given to the food problem solution, which depends more on the agro-industrial complex based on metaintegration. The leading place of a food complex in the system of agro-industrial complex is caused by a role of food and food raw materials in life of the population of the country. The ratio of the sectors participating in the food production and consumer goods makes the sectoral structure of agro-industrial complex. In the conditions of the resource limitation necessary for the production and food delivery to the domestic market, the role of trade will increase not only in agro-industrial complex, but in all national economy. Also, in this article, the phenomenon of clusters is studied. The attention to clusters as to innovation systems reflects a rising tide of interest of economic science to the questions of economics functioning in regional level and understanding of a role of specific local resources in stimulation of innovative opportunities and competitiveness of small and medium business. Creating a cluster, participants develop the spatial and organizational integrated structure, in interaction of legal entities the status is saved and cooperation provides competitive advantages with other business entities. The role of the state in integration of cluster formations in the Russian Federation is more significant, than in any other country. The state represented by regional authorities actively participates in decision-making process by the business located in its catchment area not only through membership in governing bodies of large joint stock companies.Рассмотрены современные тенденции управления интеграцией как путь решения продовольственных и отраслевых проблем. Проанализирован понятийный аппарат, состав и содержание функций экономической интеграции. Представлены основные факторы, воздействующие на торговлю. Выявлены управленческие недочеты, затрудняющие эффективность решений о совершенствовании агропромышленного комплекса

    Conceptual approach to forming the basic code of neo-industrial development of a region

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    In the article, the authors propose the conceptual fundamentals of the "code approach" to the regional neo-industrial development. The purpose of the research is to reveal the essence of the transition to a new type of industrial and economic relations through a prism of "genetic codes" of the region. We consider these codes as a system of the "racial memory" of a territory, which determines the specificity and features of neo-industrialization realization. We substantiated the hypothesis about the influence of the "genetic codes" of the region on the effectiveness of the neo-industrialization. We have defined the participants, or else the carriers of the codes in the transformation of regional inheritance for the stimulation of the neoindustrial development of region's economy. The subject matter of the research is the distinctive features of the functioning of the determinative region's codes. Their content determines the socio-economic specificity of the region and the features of innovative, informational, value-based and competence-based development of the territory. The determinative codes generate the dynamic codes of the region, which are understood as their derivatives. They have a high probability of occurrence, higher speed of development and distribution, internal forces that make possible the self-development of the region. The scientific contribution is the substantiation of the basic code of the regional neo-industrial development. It represents the evolutionary accumulation of the rapid changes of its innovative, informational, value-based and competence-based codes stimulating the generation and implementation of new ideas regarding to economic entities adapted to the historical and cultural conditions. The article presents the code model of neo-industrial development of the region described by formulas. We applied the system analysis methods, historical and civilization approaches, evolutionary and institutional theory, economic and mathematical methods. Moreover, in the article, the authors presented the findings for the period 2011-2016 reflecting the empirical estimation of the importance of informational, institutional, innovative, value-based and competence-based codes. We made this estimation through the survey of population, representatives of business and authorities, students, as well as the professors of the leading universities of the Ural Federal District. The focus of the recommendations for the region is the acceleration of the transition to the new type of industrial development. The research results can be used when developing the programmes and projects of neo- and reindustrialization at both federal and regional levels.Раскрыта сущность перехода на новый тип индустриально-экономических отношений с помощью концепции генетических кодов региона, под которыми понимается система наследственной памяти территории, обусловливающей специфику и особенности реализации неоиндустриализации. Представлена кодовая модель неоиндустриального развития региона. Рассмотрены эмпирические аспекты оценки формирования базового кода неоиндустриального развития Уральского федерального округа

    Comparative analysis of foreign economic development of pharmaceutical sector in Russia and the USA

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    The article reveals the trends in foreign economic development of Russian and American pharmaceutical industry. The study aims to substantiate the trends of prevailing import dependence of Russian pharmaceutical sector and export orientation of American one. Moreover, we define the main directions of export in Russian pharmaceutical industry based on the development trends of world industry leaders. We focus on identifying what is the nature and how close is the relationship between the factors of business' innovation and complexity, on the one hand, and increasing the sector's export orientation, on the other hand. The research methodology is based on the domestic and foreign literature on foreign economic activity in pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, the methods include the pharmaceutical industry assessment by international institutions (particularly, the World Economic Forum). We used the data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) statistics, American and Russian international ratings, and the results of analytical studies of innovation processes in bio-pharm-medical sector. We hypothesise that there is a correlation between the factors of business innovations and maturity, and the volume of pharmaceutical industry export. The correlation analysis has revealed the relation between innovation development and export growth, suggesting the export's integration into the national strategy of pharmaceutical industry. The comparative analysis of the Russian and American pharmaceutical industries has demonstrated that the increase in the export-oriented products in Russian pharmaceutical industry will be determined by the degree of the integration of information technologies into all stages of research and pharmaceutical business. The developers and ideologists of national export strategy in pharmaceutical industry might implement the study's conclusions and recommendations on federal and regional levels. Further scientific research should focus on substantiating ways to increase the pharmaceutical industry's competitiveness, corresponding to the fundamental information, technological and personnel challenges of this industry development. © 2019 Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Выявлены тенденции внешнеэкономического развития фармацевтической отрасли в России и США. Обоснованы тренды, формирующие преимущественную импортозависимость российского сектора и экспортоориентированность американского сектора